Strong Coach, Strong Clients, Strong Returns

Joe Kenn has 31 years of experience as a performance specialist and strength training coach, with 9 years in NFL conditioning. 

Safe to say that Joe has a world of experience.

He shared his top tips he has taken away from his success.

1.) Know Your Numbers

When entering the training world, you might be weighing your options between franchising, bookabusiness, renting, etc.

There is some large satisfaction with seeing your name on the sign for the gym.

But maybe that’s not the best place to start.

Scale down your costs while you are establishing yourself.

Owning a building leads more expenses.

But these expenses can always be offset by renters.

Weigh your options.

2.) Identify What Business You’re In

Know your clientele.

This will help you craft your pricing, training style, facility layout, etc.

This applies to hiring new trainers.

Make sure they’re a good fit for your needs.

There’s a difference between personal trainers and sports performance coaches

3.) Create A Productive Atmosphere

Gym culture is real.

What do you believe in for productivity?

Make that your trainers and their plans follow your need for productivity and progression.

Stick to who you are. For staff and for clients.

Joe applies his unique perspective on fitness success on Episode 12 of the Level Up Your Gym Podcast, “3 Tips to Create A Strong Gym

Don’t use either of these? No problem, just CLICK HERE to listen!

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